Thursday 27 June 2013

81. Dancing with the maiden becoming one and two...

Verse 81
ஒக்கவந்து மாதுடன் செறிந்திடத்தில் அழகியே
ஒருவராகி இருவராகி இளமைபெற்ற ஊரிலே
அக்கணிந்து கொன்றைசூடி அம்பலத்தில் ஆடுவார்
அஞ்செழுத்தை ஓதிடில் அனேக பாவம் அகலுமே
If the five letters of the dancer of the arena who-
Adorns the konrai flower and rudraksha,
Dances along with the beautiful maiden, in the town, becoming one and two-
Are uttered, plentitude of sins will go away.


The supreme consciousness is Parama Śiva, the undifferentiated supreme being.  First, Parama Śiva becomes ParaŚiva and Śakti, the inactive and active parts of the Supreme.  These states are equivalent to Parama Śiva as they are pure manifestations. The newly emerged ParaŚiva and Śakti start the sequence of manifestation in this world (in the place where they are young).  This is creation.  If one understands this and utters the five letters, namacivaya, of ParaŚiva who is dancing (thus depicting both active and inactive states of the Divine) Civavākkiyar says that all the sins will go away.

The Divine dances with rudraksha beads on its neck and with the konṛai flowers (Cassia Fistula) on its hair as Śiva.  Rudraksha is called “tears of Siva”.  Aksha also refers to the fifty one letters of the Sanskrit lexicon starting from A to ksha.  Rudraksha is said to have the capacity to store spiritual energy.

The five letters na-ma-ci-va-ya refers to this Divine Principle.  Utterance of these five letters will make any sin vanish. 

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