Friday 22 February 2013

38. Did it hide in the vessel, did the fire drink it?

Verse 38
கலத்தின் வார்த்து வைத்தநீர் கடுத்ததீ முடுக்கினால்
கலத்திலே கரந்ததோ கடுத்த தீ குடித்ததோ
நிலத்திலே கரந்ததோ நீள்விசும்பு கொண்டதோ
மனத்தின் மாயை நீக்கிலே மனத்துளே கரந்ததே.

The water poured and kept in a vessel, when the strong fire is kindled,
Did it hide in the vessel? Did the strong fire drink it?
Did the land accept it? Did the expansive space accept it?
It is only removal of the delusion of the mind. It hid within the mind.

According to the Siddhas, the elements, fire and water, are the main causes for creating a life form.  Water refers to the sexual fluids while the fire is the effulgence of the Divine that remains within the body as the fire of the kundalini.  When this fire is kindled by kundalini yoga, the sexual fluid’s flow is reversed, that is, it is dried up.  Civavākkiyar wonders about this process here.

The sexual fluid, water, kept in the vessel, the human body, disappeared.  Did it hide in the vessel, the human body? Did the fire of kundalini consume it?  Did the samsara, represented by earth element, take it up?  Did the supreme space, the realized state, consume it? In that case, the limitation due to birth and death are removed.  Births and deaths are due to the self imposed limitations by the consciousness, delusion of the mind.  If realization occurs, the supreme space accepts the water, the delusion is removed.  Thus, births and deaths disappeared within the mind.

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