Tuesday 5 February 2013

8. You- the seer, the seen and the sight

Verse 8
மண்ணும்நீ விண்ணும்நீ மறிகடல்கள் ஏழும்நீ
எண்ணும்நீ எழுத்தும்நீ இசைந்தபண் எழுத்தும்நீ;
கண்ணும்நீ மணியும்நீ கண்ணுள் ஆடும் பாவைநீ
நண்ணும்நீர்மை நின்றபாதம் நண்ணுமாறு அருளிடாய்.                           

You are the earth, you are the sky, and you are the seven seas;
You are the goal, you are the letters, and you are the meter;
You are the eye, you are the pupil of the eye, you are the image that dances in the eye,
The affable! Bestow your grace for me to approach your sacred feet!

            This verse describes the nature of the Ultimate Reality. The Ultimate Reality remains as the objective as well as the subjective universe.  The Ultimate Reality is not only the observable universe but also the action of observation and the observer.  Having recognized the magnificence of the Ultimate Reality, Civavākkiyar wishes to revere it.  This is possible only by the grace of the Ultimate Reality.

According to Hindu tradition, the seven seas are lavaṇa (salt water), Ikshu rasa (sugarcane juice), sura (wine), ghrita (clarified butter), dadhi (curd), dugdha (milk) and  svadu jala (sweet water).

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