அரியும்அல்ல அயனும் அல்ல அப்புறத்தில் அப்புறம்
கருமைசெம்மை வெண்மையைக் கடந்துநின்ற காரணம்
பெரியதல்ல சிறியதல்ல பற்றுமின்கள் பற்றுமின்
துரியமும் கடந்துநின்ற தூரதூர தூரமே.
Hari, not Brahma, it is beyond the beyond,
cause that stood beyond blackness, redness and whiteness,
big, not small, hold on to it, hold it,
which stood beyond turiya- far, far verily far.
According to the Siddhas, the Ultimate
Reality, which is formless and quality-free, includes all forms and
qualities. It is beyond the beyond. The three colors, black, red and white
represent the three energy channels or nādis, ida (black), pingala
(red) and suṣumna (white).
The three colors also represent the three
qualities, sattva (white), rajas (red) and tamas (black) indicated
by Brahma, Viṣṇu and Rudra. Civavākkiyar says that the Ultimate Reality is the
primal cause which is beyond these three qualities (and hence beyond the holy
triad) also. Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra
also represent the three realms or mandalas, Surya mandala, Chandra mandala
and Agni mandala respectively. These
realms are present from foot to navel, navel to neck and from neck to forehead
respectively in the human body. The
Ultimate Reality, as the kundalini Shakti, crosses these three realms and goes
beyond them to reach the sahasrara cakra.
It goes even beyond that cakra and reaches the state of realization, the
state of Supreme consciousness. Thus, it
is beyond the beyond.
The color white represents prakāśa
(wisdom/effulgence- Śiva) aspect and red, the vimarśa (experience/
bliss- Śakti) aspect of Godhead. The prakāśa
and vimarśa are the first emanations, the state of duality of the Ultimate
Reality. It is the state of wisdom and
bliss. The color black includes all
other colors. It is the ultimate state
of union. It represents the state of union of the male and female aspects, the
wisdom and bliss aspects of the Ultimate Reality. Thus, the Absolute is beyond all these three
Consciousness comprises of the four states jāgrat
(wakefulness), swapna (dream state), suṣupti (beyond the
dream state) and turiya (supreme consciousness). Realization about the Ultimate Reality occurs
at the turiya state. However, the
Ultimate Reality is beyond even this state.
It is the ‘turiyātīta’.
Tirumular describes this quality of
the Ultimate Reality in Tandiram eight of his Tirumandiram. In mandiram 2936, he calls the turiyātīta
state, mona samādhi.
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