Saturday 16 March 2013

Sivavakkiyam as quotes

When someone hankers after the beautiful girl of one’s desire
Will one spare him? No. One will say, “He should be axed first”
However, when the God of Death comes calling, the same beautiful body will stink,
The lover will gladly take her to the funeral pyre and hand her over to the cremator.

Hey Expert who recites the scriptures!
When sweating and wheezing occurs (at the time of death) will the scriptures help?
If you are capable of realizing and contemplating the Lord inside, even for a moment,
Where are the diseases of scriptural baggage? Only power, liberation, attainment!

By reciting scriptures and gaining textual knowledge
You do not know the Supreme consciousness,
After shunning the disease of desire, if you realize It within,
The Lord will remain as the speechless body.

Only when there is the boat (the body) one can roam about,
Only when there is the boat (the body) it can be ensured,
When the boat broke in the incomparable space (the body merged with the supreme space)
No goat (the directed), No stick (the director), there is none at all.  
Lord!  The eternal one, the eternal before the eternal,
Woman and man, were they not the same before birth?
At the time when the blind semen of the man increases willingly,
How did the earthlings (those with earth) and celestials (those with space), come about?

Earthlings- those with earth, where the seed grows- women. Celeastials- those with space, those who sow the seed- men.

Is anyone capable of knowing the method of cognition,
Of the wise who realized the locus of the Divine?
Cannot say as any other method but through the object of cognition itself,
Hence, the hands are not raised towards any Deity or a place of worship.
Cleaning the bell, taking the oral secretion from bees                                                  
Ye stupid people who pour it over broken stone!
The Lord is different, see it with knowledge. Did he place me also
At the feet of the Guru to examine and realize (Him)?

Temples-what are they? tanks- what are they?
Ye fools who worship temples and tanks!
Temple and tanks are within the heart
Creation and destruction, never, never, never at all.

You, the ignorant Ones who perform rituals saying worship, worship!
That which is worship itself- where did it accept the worship?
Did the Origin accept the worship? did the Eternal accept the worship?
What is it that accepted worship, please tell!

Who is a low class woman, who is a rich woman?
Is it marked on the flesh, skin or bones?
Enjoying a low class woman, is it different from enjoying a rich woman?
Low class woman and rich woman, look at them critically within you.

You call the water drank as tainted water,
Is it then fair to call that which is chewed in the mouth as sacred Veda?
Those who drink water for removal of spittle!
Come and explain this with drool flowing in your mouth.

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